Everyone is aware of the benefits of many minerals such as Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, but did you know Selenium could make the difference in whether you meet your weight-loss goals or not?
Your thyroid contains high levels of selenium, which is used to make and metabolize thyroid hormones. These hormones regulate many metabolic functions in your body, including how many calories you burn.
Want the great news??
With only 2 Brazil Nuts a day, you can get almost 175% of your RDI of Selenium.
Brazil nuts also contain Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Phospherous and Vitamin E.
So eat your requirement. You don't need to take it in supplement form! In general, Supplements should only be taken temporarily, and in conjunction with good dietary changes.
Just remember, if you drink or pop a pill to get your calories you are not metabolising. Just think what happens when you introduce solid food again !!!