Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

Specialising in Weight Loss and Hormone Balance Based Online & in North Costa Blanca, Spain

Packages & Programmes

Get Off Your Diet Rollercoaster for Good

Are you beating yourself up about being unable to lose weight? Do you hate the endless process of going on diets you dislike? If so, I know how you feel.

You might feel like you will always have a poor relationship with food and your body, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Together, we will work towards you feeling 100% again through nutrition and lifestyle coaching for weight loss that empowers you to take control of your health and wellness by embarking on plan of nutrition and lifestyle changes agreed upon by you.

You will know that being told what to eat and how to exercise doesn’t work. We’ve all been there before! That’s why I give you the tools to create your own roadmap for eating well, losing weight, lowering stress levels, feeling better, and staying that way for good.

Although based in North Costa Blanca, I primarily provide my nutrition and health coaching specialising in weight loss to you online over Zoom or Skype.

My Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching Packages

Discover The Best Fit For You

You know you need some help, yes? You're unsure exactly how I can help?

If this is you, then why not schedule a free 30 minute chat so we can discuss where you are now, and where you want to be. Let me help you decide what programme would be best suited to you.

We will talk about your goals; what you have tried before and why it hasn't worked; what is motivating you to make this change and also possible barriers that may be in the way of achieving your goals.

I will give you my recommendations of how we could best work together and then you decide if that's path you want to take.

Group Programmes

Group Programmes vary throughout the year and are run either in-person in various locations around North Costa Blanca, or online through dedicated facebook groups and Zoom.

Whether the programme is 7 days or 90 days; based on Weight loss, Detox, Re-energise, Hormone Balance, Gut Health or Immune System Boosting the format is similar. You will receive everything you need to succeed!

  • A delicious recipe pack filled with easy to follow recipes based on the programme goals
  • Ready-made shopping lists to take the hassle out of preparation
  • Pre-programme introduction call to discuss your personal goals and introduce the programme
  • Pre-programme questionnaire to determine your starting point
  • Programme Progress Tracker and all the information you need to succeed
  • Access to a dedicated facebook group (for online programmes)
  • Daily motivational and inspirational content posts (for online programmes)
  • Access to a dedicated Whatsapp Group to share progress and motivation with me and the rest of the group
  • Weekly live Q&A sessions (via Zoom for online programmes)
  • Post programme questionnaire to help you celebrate your achievements

Everyone completing the group programmes will leave with a complimentary additional BONUS

1-2-1 Coaching

Are you someone who, has tried everything but still seems to end up back at square one? You have the support network there but nothing is working, or you just cant maintain? You feel you need personalised professional guidance, motivation and accountability? Then 1-2-1 coaching is the way forward for you!

All 1-2-1 coaching programmes take place over an initial 12-14 week period with differing amounts of consultation sessions (depending on package selected). To determine the best option for you and your goals, we would start with a free video consultation to determine what level of professional involvement you require. That could be weekly, fortnightly or monthly consultations.

Pricing start from € 295 per coaching package.

All programmes include;

  • Free 30 minute initial video call to determine the package best suited to your goals, level of support, motivation and accountability required
  • 60-90 minute Initial Consultation & NLC Plan Creation
  • 30-45 minute follow up consultations (# determined by package agreed)
  • Full Scientific Software-based Dietary Analysis & Body Composition Report
  • Full Paper-based Dietary & Lifestyle Analysis
  • Recommendations Summary to achieve Goals (updated as required during programme)
  • Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching Plan with co-created Action Steps
  • Action Step Accountability Tracking Sheet
  • Personalised Meal Plan & Recipes
  • Ongoing Meal plan review and changes (where required)
  • Text & Email Question Support
  • My unwavering support & motivation

I Can Help With

Weight loss

Master stress

Weight management

Quality & Quantity of Sleep

Improve overall wellness & longevity

Ensure you are meeting dietary & nutrient requirements by utilising dietary analysis software; pregnant women, vegans, vegetarians, etc.

Weight gain

Hormone Imbalance

Improve energy levels

Help planning so you/your family can eat heathily; what to buy, where to buy it, how to prepare it & store it, staying within budget, etc.

Engage in healthier eating & lifestyle choices for yourself and your family

Want to learn more about how my nutrition and health coaching specialising in weight loss and hormone balance can help you regain your MOJO again?

Take a look at my What Can NLC Do For Me page or book your "what's best for me" call here.

Get in Touch

If you are looking for nutrition and lifestyle coaching for weight loss or hormone balance in North Costa Blanca or remotely over Zoom or Skype, please fill out the booking form. Feel free to contact me for more information by email below.

You can also call me on +34 621 217 900 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours,

and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

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